Helping Business Owners & Professionals to rediscover themselves & achieve

I believe our purpose on this earth is to live our lives with true happiness and fulfillment and help others.
And for us to live a life of passion and happiness we require to discover our true selves, understand how to make the right decision that leads to happiness, discover your own success & happiness formulas, figure out how to make time for yourself to “BE, DO and HAVE” the things you love in life and achieve the outcomes that makes you fulfilled.
I have been in search of this golden formula for years and through years of extensive learning and research have crafted the perfect formula that will help you succeed in life.
I give my clients a fool proof method to discover their true purpose, and their own customized decision making, happiness and success formulas which they can apply to their life in any circumstances to guarantee success.
My coaching style helps clients to live a happy personal & family life, take better decisions, learn to live in their best state, guarantee success and results in anything they do, make more time to do the things they like and with the people they love and achieve their career and business goals to accelerate their progress in life.

"A journey without guidance is like shooting in the dark, & life is too short to be shooting in the dark"

“Lien is an amazing coach who is highly capable of transforming lives. He helped me to get out of circumstanses that was not serving me and unleash my true potential. I have been growing in leaps and bounds discovering true purpose of my life eversince"
~ Oshadhi Gunasekara ~
“The program I participated in, helped me to shift my perspective on life and what to expect from it. Ever since then, I find myself reflecting on what I learnt & it has truly changed my life.
~ Amashi De Mel ~
“Lien has an extrodinary ability to bring together a wide variety of learnings from coaching, meditation & manifestation to offer clarity and guidance to his clients. I can condifently say I am where I am today thanks to what I have learnt from him"
~ Indu Nanayakkara ~
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